Efficacy Of Plaqx Forte Therapy For The Maintenance Of Cardiovascular, Blood Vessels And Cellular Health

Efficacy Of Plaqx Forte Therapy For The Maintenance Of Cardiovascular, Blood Vessels And Cellular Health

Author/s: Dr. Yuriy Nalapko, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Pan Shing Yi, Yvonne Cashinn Chia and Hui Rong Yee

Published at Journal of Nutrition Science Research, J Nutr Sci Res 2019, Vol 4(1): 136

Published URL: https://www.omicsonline.org/peer-reviewed/efficacy-of-plaqx-forte-therapy-for-the-maintenance-of-cardiovascular-blood-vessels-and-cellular-health-108782.html

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