Exciting news for UAE and Malaysia’s Biological Regenerative Medical Industry!
Prof Dato Seri Dr. Mike Chan bagged the BrandLaureate Brand ICON Leadership Award.
European Wellness as the Main Sponsor of Mrs. Malaysia Planet, Mrs. Elite Malaysia Petite and Mrs. Malaysia Petite 2021/2022 Grand Final
At the Royale Chulan Damansara Hotel in Petaling Jaya, the stunning display of beauty, talent, and confidence as contestants caught the hearts with their talents. This surely reassures that with the right effort and knowledge, one could explore what age unveils, with wit and sheer faith on the self.
Our very own European Wellness Biomedical Group’s Co-Founder, Chairman, and Senior Researcher Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan was the VVIP and judge during the event. Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan presented an impactful insight on age reversal and age defiance that was drawn from more than 35 years of experience in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Best wishes to all the contestants who took the time to commit, work hard and in turn, inspired many. Thanks to the organizers for this opportunity set for women from all walks of life. Recognition and encouragement as such go a long way in life.
『抗衰老、全面保健、生物医学、再生医学』 –这是现今在健康与美容行业中常用的字眼,让正在节节向上的老龄化人口竞相涌入这『青春之泉』。健康和美容行业是价值数十亿美元的行业,从业者在众多竞争者中脱颖而出的唯一方法,就是能够提供别人无法提供或尚未提供的独特服务。
欧洲健康管理学院(EWA)是一家国际教育机构,致力于进一步发展欧洲整体健康管理方法。 它是国际欧洲健康组织(EWG)的教育和培训部门,在生物研究与开发,再生科学与治疗的领域拥有30多年的经验。
欧洲健康管理学院的目标是为医师和美容从业者提供相关的知识和技能,以最新和顶尖的医学和美学产品与设备,在终身疾病管理和美学治疗中实践生物整合医学。EWA有着人力资源部(马来西亚)权限下,授人力资源开发基金(HRDF)机构颁发的认可的培训机构。EWA也获得了英国补充医学协会(CMA,UK)为注册学院、美国无药实践者协会(AADP,USA)为高等教育学院、英国国际整体医学实践者 (IPHM,UK) 为认可的培训机构, 加上2个英国认证授权中心之外,还授予持续医学教育(CME)。