Holistic Regenerative Medicine And Cell Therapy In Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus: State Of The Art Medicine And A Game Changer

Holistic Regenerative Medicine And Cell Therapy In Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus: State Of The Art Medicine And A Game Changer

Authors: Dr. Dmytro Klokol, Dr. Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova.

Publisher: Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, ISSN 2639-9512 Volume 4, Issue 2, 07 Oct 2020.

Publisher URL: https://scivisionpub.com/abstract-display.php?id=1348

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